How Your Desk Lamp Can Save Your Job
Saturday, December 20, 2008 by dev
How Your Desk Lamp Can Save Your Job
Author: Alan KingIf you want to know how something as simple as desk lighting can save your job, this is the place to start. The impact that one can have on your space, on your eyesight, on your state of mind--and ultimately on your job itself--cannot be underestimated.
Like most people who work a standard 9-to-5 desk job, you're probably all too aware of how much impact the state of your desk has on your productivity. Every little piece of clutter that sits on your desk tells you, and those around you, that things aren't quite as they should be. This is especially true in small offices, or for those of us who work at home (not all of us have the perks of working in a cubical-lined maze of an office with those ugly drop-panel ceilings and fluorescent lights that highlight every little smudge of ink). When you can truly see what your space looks like, it's far easier to reduce the clutter and organize your work, both physically and mentally. Clean up your desk, and you'll instantly clean up your reputation.
Long hours at the desk can cause nasty eyestrain, even in those people with superb vision or perfectly functional glasses. Staring at black-on-white paper, memo after memo, and the glare of computer screens can really do a number on our eyesight. The right kind of desk lamp is important because many lamps can actually contribute to vision difficulties. Just because a lamp is bright, doesn't mean it is good for you! Regular incandescent bulbs, for instance, emit a very imbalanced, glaring light that tints your environment and makes your brain work that much harder to make out what is really there. Eyestrain leads to headaches, muscle tightness and general, unnecessary misery when it has to be endured day in, day out.
This, of course, has a huge impact on your state of mind. The desk clutter stresses you out because you can't find whatever it is you're looking for, and your head hurts because you've been looking at a computer monitor or report for the last several hours with no respite from the glaring light that's been staring you in the face. And to top it off, you may not have seen the sun--seen real light--all day (does a 30-minute lunch break count?). A lack of natural light can lead to grumpiness in the best of us, and has actually been known to cause serious mood disturbances in some. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a very real condition.
All of these things can have a serious impact on your job performance, and how you handle them can have a direct affect on how your boss sees you when evaluation time rolls around. There are several individual steps that can be taken, but the simplest solution is to simply find a desk lamp that truly serves your needs. The most important step is to choose desk lighting that utilizes balanced, full-spectrum lighting that comes as close as possible to mimicking natural sunlight. You'll also want to find a light that is low glare and high definition, so that the eyes don't have to work nearly so hard to do their job.
Purchasing a special office lamp may seem like an exorbitant expense in this terrible economy, but the impact that it can have on your daily life is worth every penny.
For the best information available on natural lighting check out the further information and great products available at
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